craigslist little rock

After listing your items on Craigslist for sale, the last thing you want is a hassle to deal with the bidder. What people are looking for: great quality or discounts? This is the second! And when someone can find such a deal like Craigslist Little Rock with the possibility of better deals by bargaining, it is what they will do. As a seller, to make the sale a win-win for both parties involved, just inflate the price of 10 or even 20 percent. Should the buyer request the discount, you as the seller can provide a comfortable and still make money you have in mind.

It is almost certain that prospective buyers will bargain to get a better price. Your listing can be one of the identical items. Buyers will want to get the most product for the least amount of money. Knowing these tactics will make you a more successful sellers.

This artificial price system also gives you some wiggle room to negotiate other terms. Meeting place is one such example. You could say something like, "If you can meet me at location X, then I would be willing to sell the items in (minus 10 per cent of the price list)." Buyers will feel like they really get a fair deal from the seller, and you still create your ideal price-on your terms.

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