weersverwachting 14 dagen - The daily weather report is prepared by KNMI. The weather report is a snapshot of the weather every hour is measured by the KNMI. For aviation, the KNMI even every half hour at a weather report.
The KNMI has several divisions. Again the Chamber of KNMI is mainly concerned with the weather. For this, the KNMI include using actual satellite images.
KNMI has a special room next to the Weather Climate Research Division, which continuously examines our climate change. There are several climates on our planet such as climate country, climate, tropical climate.
The Netherlands has a climate that one called temperate as the Netherlands, in fact, no severe winters or hot summers. Because the wind often comes from the sea, the sea has great influence on the climate of the Netherlands. The sea does not cool quickly and the wind is often mild air from the Netherlands. The warmer the air, the more moisture / vapor from the sea is incorporated into the clouds. The darker the cloud, rain and more rain can fall out. And for a look at the rain is the Buienradar.
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