Application Search Missing Children

U.S. federal agency the FBI announced the presence of applications that can help parents find their children missing.

Based on the latest FBI data, one child lost in the U.S. every 40 seconds, in which many of whom "may never come back". For the sake of pressing that number, they eventually develop this application.

Parents who use the application can show images as well as providing information related to physical characteristics such as their child's height and weight bada to direct police officers through the application.

In addition, they can send you an email containing the key information to law authorities by using a special tab on the application when a loss occurs.

"You are shopping at the mall with your kids and one of them disappeared. Search around you do not produce results. What should you do?" Thus the sound of the promotion application.

Currently, the search application of the FBI missing children available for iPhone. But a spokesman for the FBI insists his side will soon bring this application to other devices, as well as add various other features.

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