Ginger Benefits For Life

Polowijo Ginger is a plant that is useful for pain relief which has the Latin name Zingiber alami.Jahe afficinale Roscoe. Plant the ginger comes from Asia Pacific. Tamanan ginger may be encountered in various regions in Indonesia, because the plant is easily grown in different soil types. Ginger plant has a distinctive odor and smells like buffoonery Gathering, Gathering black, Turmeric, kencur and galangal. from the rhizomes of these plants have roots that have similarities in shape and has a different smell.

We must also know the smell of ginger plants and plant temun - finding another yan lest we err in distinguishing some of these plants. let alone to the Eve of every day always meet all kinds of meeting - especially when bermasak findings.

The benefits of ginger plants for our lives as in the results of various studies as beikut:
1. Make the stomach becomes more comfortable and help out the wind.
2. Stimulates the release of adrenal hormones
3. Cure dry cough and sore throat
4. preventing drunk
5. Help in case of irritation of the kidneys
6. Widen blood vessels so blood flows more smoothly in the body.
7. Helps keep the immune system from colds and flu attack
8. Increase appetite

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